Thursday, December 27, 2007

A day of sledding and ...........bikeriding????

A few from today. It's not often that you get to do those two things in one afternoon.
H is really getting the hang of the bike and I know that the training wheels will be off before summer hits.
I can't believe how fast they grow. Five years ago I had a 5lb preemie.
Look at her
Enjoy the photos!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas..........just a few from today:)

DD got a new bike from Santa and she's thrilled. She insisted that we take it out for a spin and the weather has been so mild, WHY NOT?
I love the looks on her face.............pure glee.
Also posting some of our Christmas tree.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Hope it was wonderful for everyone.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

My own........

I took some photos of the kids yesterday in hopes of capturing the perfect Christmas card photo (it's late for that, I KNOW).
I haven't even edited them all but fell in love with these two right away so I thought I'd share.
More outtakes to come!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Our Sunday project with the kids.
This is actually the first gingerbread house that I have ever built.
It was fun!
This is as good as it looked, right after we'd finished.
Now? Well, let's just say that it's in need of a few repairs. A handyman (candyman?).
Missing doorknobs and a couple of lost shingles.
I suspect that my youngest is the project manager of this remodel.
Oh well, it still looks pretty cozy to me.....

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Just a tree shot outside of my house. Just after sunset yesterday.

You can bet that clear skies and no leaves on the branches means some pretty cold weather here in MT!
And it was.......

I liked the intricacy of the branches.........tangled and complex...and lifelike.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Just a few from my yard.....we received a skif (if that) of snow Saturday night.
Just enough to torture my kids and husband (snowmobiler).
Now, it's pouring rain but we're sure it's snowing in the high country.
I'm really trying to update the blog regularly. Can you tell?? by the boring entries?? Oh well.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Coupla Cuties

Some recent favorites of some favorite kiddos.
Hope you like know who you are.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Room at the inn

We took a drive up into Glacier Park today. It was beautiful! The kids got a chance to play in the snow (it was freezing!) and I took just a couple of photos.
Two sure signs of winter approaching, an empty beehive and gooseberries.

Thanks for peekin'!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I feel like a little kid..................

probably because I had to act like a little kid to get this lens so close to Christmas (think tantrums and throwing myself on the floor.....*giggle*).
Anyways my wonderful husband, bless his heart, bought me a 70-200 f/4.0 L (yes L, that's right my first L glass...........*squeal*!).
It's an excellent zoom lens..fairly light and the color and clarity rocks.
Here are just a couple from yesterday afternoon/evening (light waning quickly) at about 4:45pm. Man, it gets dark early here.
This is the only color I could find in my neighborhood as everything is so dead and brown and wanting snow cover.

Friday, November 23, 2007

She loves the camera!

G is such a sweet little girl and a good friend of my own dd's. She was SO much fun for me to shoot.
The only other experience I have had with a girl this age has been my own and lately she runs from me!
Thanks to the D family. I hope you like these.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

For my brother..........

Just two, because he lives in CA and misses the fall colors.
Love you J!
Happy Thanksgiving! Wish you were here.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Busy and happy about it...................

I am sharing some recent photos from a senior session and a couple of adorable kiddos!
Thanks to every single one of you!
It is really my pleasure working with you folks.
My job is so rewarding.....seriously. You people make me love the art even more.
Ok, on with the show.......

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sneak peek for the J family....

This session was so fun. I've known this senior since she was my own childrens' ages.
Scary. I really enjoyed shooting you H! I hope that you like your photos. Lots more to come!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

This weekend we decided not to go North to our property. It was the weekend before school started and I had tons to do that I had put off until the very last minute (shocker to people who know me, I'm sure).
Saturday we canned dills with Russ' mom and sister. It was a blast and Sunday we hung pretty close to home.
Now Monday we took our small fishing boat out on the Flathead River and fished for......actually we didn't know what we were fishing for exactly. Until, that is, Russ caught this monster (by my standards, anyways) Northern Pike. It was dang exciting.
Picture both kids screaming jumping up and down in the *little* aluminum boat...the dog is barking, we're trying to get this huge thing in the net and then in the boat. Good grief. It was chaos, but it was so fun.
We filleted (that can't be right, can it?) the white meat and we are beer batter frying it on Thurs. Can't wait. She looks like some sort of lake monster, doesn't she?
Without further adieu........the photos. (I know that you're hanging on the edge of your office chairs, lol).

The pike.....

And the pickles.....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Beaches and spiders and fish, oh my.........

It's been too long.
Here's a little update. Business is picking up, my website is done (whew), we spent the weekend at the cabin at Tag Beach, and caught some fish (just guess who caught the BIGGEST and the PRETTIEST fish of all? yup).
My apologies in advance for the spider pics (see the FANGS????)'s the mom-of-an-8-year-old-boy in me, I guess. Although my four year old daughter was in on every bit of the action and she is Girly (yeah, with a capital G).