Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Beaches and spiders and fish, oh my.........

It's been too long.
Here's a little update. Business is picking up, my website is done (whew), we spent the weekend at the cabin at Tag Beach, and caught some fish (just guess who caught the BIGGEST and the PRETTIEST fish of all? yup).
My apologies in advance for the spider pics (see the FANGS????).........it's the mom-of-an-8-year-old-boy in me, I guess. Although my four year old daughter was in on every bit of the action and she is Girly (yeah, with a capital G).

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Last Saturday we took the kids to Glacier Nat'l Park.
We make it up there once a year which is ridiculous considering it's only 45 minutes away.
It's so beautiful up there, although because of the horrible forest fires in our area, there was a lot of smoke, but I managed to capture some photos anyways.
And look......I'm actually IN some of these photos instead of behind the camera like usual.
We hiked into Avalanche Lake and were SO proud of the kids for making the 4.6 mile trek. It doesn't sound like a lot but to little people, it is.
Enjoy the photos.
A run down:
The red flower is Indian Paintbrush, quite likely my favorite wildflower. It totally reminds me of my childhood.
The purple field of flowers is fireweed and you'll notice the charred trees in the background.
I like these photos because it gives me hope. That after the ravaging wildfire from a few years ago, there is new life. Renewal.... I like.