This weekend we decided not to go North to our property. It was the weekend before school started and I had tons to do that I had put off until the very last minute (shocker to people who know me, I'm sure).
Saturday we canned dills with Russ' mom and sister. It was a blast and Sunday we hung pretty close to home.
Now Monday we took our small fishing boat out on the Flathead River and fished for......actually we didn't know what we were fishing for exactly. Until, that is, Russ caught this monster (by my standards, anyways) Northern Pike. It was dang exciting.
Picture both kids screaming jumping up and down in the *little* aluminum boat...the dog is barking, we're trying to get this huge thing in the net and then in the boat. Good grief. It was chaos, but it was so fun.
We filleted (that can't be right, can it?) the white meat and we are beer batter frying it on Thurs. Can't wait. She looks like some sort of lake monster, doesn't she?
Without further adieu........the photos. (I know that you're hanging on the edge of your office chairs, lol).
The pike.....

And the pickles.....