I've started to update this blog several times and deleted it because it just didn't feel right.
It's been one month yesterday since Gabby was flown to Spokane for treatment.
I can't believe, that while everything else in life has felt as if it was fast-forwarded (as life sometimes does), Gabby's journey and the baby steps that she is taking, seemed to slow to a snail's pace. How can it be that life is fast and slow at the same time?
Gabby is still in Spokane in Pediatric ICU. She had a twisted bowel which damaged part of her intestine and had to be removed. She's had 3 surgeries to try and correct this and get her digestive system to function. They have an incredibly difficult journey ahead of them. Please continue sending prayers and good thoughts to this sweet, sweet girl and the people that love her so much.
My own heart goes out to her mommy and daddy who haven't left her side in Spokane, the great people who are caring for her big brother Alden, here, so he can continue to attend school, and the incredible folks who are giving their time and hearts to creative ways to organize fundraisers and help any way they can. Angels, I tell ya. Angels.
While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt
*Just a note: Please, if you need photos of Gabby for fundraising, don't print from the blog, the resolution is for web viewing and not print. I would be more than honored to contribute by providing you with a high resolution image on disk that you can print from.
Just call me, please:
Thanks for respecting my art.