Saturday, May 24, 2008

I got mail....

Not the kind of mail that you pull from your dripping wet mailbox, ya know, rain-soaked bills and stuff. Not the kind of mail that you get as you sit in your leather office chair with a strong cup of coffee with too much dessert creamer, no not that kind either. Not the kind of mail that distant relatives (that you never even talk to!) send you, claiming that if you don't forward this email to 200 people in the next 2 minutes, that you and all of your relatives will be struck down by the same bolt of lightning.........nope not that kind of mail.
The mail I received today was so powerful that I'm...I'm not sure that I can do it justice to you, internet, but I'll try.

*Disclaimer: For my photography friends....this may make you sick to your stomach......I almost vomited myself.

Brace yourself, you four people that read the blog, I'm starting from the beginning.
*clearing my throat*
It was dreary here today. N and I decided to take a dreary walk to a nearby park to check out the river levels because we are at flood stage right now with all the runoff.
I'll post a pic later. I took my new camera and camera know, just in case.
We walked down into the park and at the playground in the middle there were four kids around the age of 15. The were swearing, hitting the playground equipment with big sticks...acting naughty, you all know the kind. I'm walking with my brand new camera and lenses and I'm nervous....... I also have my 9 year old with me, don't forget that.
After we pass, my little boy asks me, "Mama, how OLD do you think those kids were?".
I answered, "Probably around 15-16 years old".
"Oh", he said.
I said, "I certainly hope that you don't act that disrespectful when you are 15 years old".
He said he would never do that. We talked about other things that kids that age should be doing, etc.
And we left it alone.
We were down in the park for about and hour and a half, checking out the river getting our feet soaking wet in the tall wet grass, taking pictures every chance that I got.
It was a blast.
We walked home without incident, walked in the back door with my camera around my neck and immediately I felt ill.
My camera bag! Not with me! Gone! Left at the park....left somewhere. Somewhere....WHERE????
Oh no.
I jumped in my car and sped down to the park...........nothing.
I came back and walked back down there and still nothing. I was almost to the place where N and I turned around and I saw the kids. I wasn't going to ask them but what could it hurt?
So I did. They denied seeing the bag and I started to walk away. The cute girl stopped and asked me if it was a huge sling bag and black, at this point I was seeing a light in her eyes. She took me right to it..............perfect condition, untouched. I hugged her for an embarrassingly long time and wished I had money on me to give them.
I cried all the way home and composed this blog entry in my head.

I learned today that there are good people out there, good kids out there.
This girl, that I was leery of.........her parents did something right! She knew the right thing to do!
I was encouraged, having my own problems with an aforementioned 9 year old lately.

How do I learn this?
How do I teach my own children this?
What's the secret?

My mindset has changed and it made me sob.........I mean uncontrollably .......for a long time. I was a mess by the time I hit the house AND I had the camera bag. My family was confused.
I tearfully explained what my message was.
I judged those poor kids today and I was wrong and that hurt me. I was not a nice person and bit me in the butt.
I know that there are a lot of bad people out there but my lesson today was to see the good, not the bad.
The best part of the whole day....WAS NOT FINDING THE was when we (the kids and I), walked back to their 1987 Volvo, one kid said, "There's good energy flowing today". I've heard those words uttered before.....heck, I've even said them, but today? Today they touched an unspeakable way.
I'll never forget those words.........EVER.
I would trade my thousands of dollars worth of lenses in return for the lesson that I learned. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
Peace out.