Saturday, November 24, 2007

I feel like a little kid..................

probably because I had to act like a little kid to get this lens so close to Christmas (think tantrums and throwing myself on the floor.....*giggle*).
Anyways my wonderful husband, bless his heart, bought me a 70-200 f/4.0 L (yes L, that's right my first L glass...........*squeal*!).
It's an excellent zoom lens..fairly light and the color and clarity rocks.
Here are just a couple from yesterday afternoon/evening (light waning quickly) at about 4:45pm. Man, it gets dark early here.
This is the only color I could find in my neighborhood as everything is so dead and brown and wanting snow cover.

1 comment:

zdoodlebub said...

Suh-Weet. Yay husband! I also like that foreign language you were writing in, although I did recognize the letter "L," but I don't know what it means in photographorese.