Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy Holidays!

It's been an embarrassingly long time since my last post but I'm going to attempt to seamlessly ease back in as if I never went anywhere. Should work, especially now that I've pointed out what my intentions are.
I'm coming back with a vengeance, some pictures, and a smile!
Here we go!

First we have my fantastic sis-in-law and her equally fantastic fiance. My first engagement session. They were great and went along with all of my wacky suggestions, as I knew they would because they're awesome that way.

Laura and Ned:

Some friendly kiddos :).

My own with one of our sweet new kitties.......Bella:

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was wonderful and QUIET.
The quietest that we've had in years, actually. There's snow on the ground, the kids are out of school for another whole week and I'm happy about it.........very happy.
My youngest started all-day Kindergarten this year and it's been quite a struggle for me. I miss her terribly and try to spend as much time as I can in her classroom helping out. Her teacher has been wonderful about letting me do that and I really enjoy it. Kindergartners are sweet little people and I always walk out of there with a full heart.

Happy New Year everyone.

Hug harder, laugh louder, smile bigger and love longer in 2009.
See you soon!


Kim Burnham said...

GREAT to see you back! and lovely photos as always! I found you a turtle:) can't wait to catch up when I get back:) Kim

zdoodlebub said...

Yay! Love the engagement photos, hadn't seen those yet. Beautiful. (Can we go to the same location for family photos when the huz is ready?)

Happy New Year!

Holly said...

Welcome back I have missed you terribly!! Nice pics girlfriend. Hug the kids and keep the pics coming!! You have an awesome talent!!

thousand words photography said...

great pics! glad to see you blogging!!

Jana said...

Wonderful pictures! It's nice to have you updating. Don't you wish more people would update their blogs?!?!