Sorry......12 days late on this. I'm back.
Sometimes it seems like my favorite things that I see in my children are the things that I try so hard to find in honesty (I'm a very honest person, don't get me wrong, but I love the realness of my kids....most of the time, lol) and playfulness and imagination.........and creativity.
Yeah....creativity. I've read books on the subject. A lot of books.
I'm not sure that you can learn to be creative from a book but I tried. I tried to tap into my own creative reservoir and let me tell you, it is quite a process.
To me it seems that those that are the most creative have nurtured their creativity from childhood.
Fed it when it was hungry, burped it and tossed out the waste. I think that if you haven't done this, then it gets buried and it's hard to drag it back up to the surface. I believe that you have to coax it out of hiding and learn how to trust it again.
While I've always been artistic, I have to admit that I buried my creativity in my twenties but dragged it back up when N was born and I'm still working on our relationship. It gives me what I need but I have to accept and use it.......that's the hard part.
So I've promised myself that I would teach my children to respect their creativity and I'll do my best to teach them how to nurture it.
N's creative thirst is quenched through Lego building. The kid has more Legos than you can imagine. He gets a set, builds the structure on the front of the box and then he lets the little engineer inside his head go to work. He will build hundreds of things out of that one box of Legos. Airplanes and lawnmowers and dunebuggies and submarines.....believe me......I see every single one of them as he shows them ALL off with pride.
Here he is in all his glory.
Love him.

Now H on the other hand, is more like me (girl thing?.... maybe). Give her a stack of blank paper and a medium and she's happy for hours.
She's been writing her name for years. I would find her name written on all sorts of things.......really anything that was flat and white like a canvas.........the refrigerator (a favorite), dishwasher, her dresser, the get the um, picture.

The moon rattle.

H was born right before Christmas and it was R's idea to get her a sterling rattle for her very first Christmas (what do you get a newborn???). Obviously she was much too little to play with it for a few months but once she could hold onto it and put it in her mouth, it was one of her favorite things.
Constantly covered in baby drool, this rattle was thrown to the floor from the height of a highchair more times than I can count (you know the game I'm talking about!!).
It's been banged up, scratched up, spit up on, lost for a while and found again.
She loved it.
When I found it the other day and decided to polish it up, she walked in and asked, "Oooh, what IS that?". I explained what it was, how much she used to love it when she was a baby and we admired it for a moment. I explained that she couldn't take it to her room (aka The Pink Pit) and she put up a quite a stink. She didn't understand why she couldn't have it if it was hers and "Mommy, I PROMISE to take good care of it...I PROMISE!!!".
Sigh. I then told her that it WAS still hers but I was going to keep it until she got older and had babies of her own. I told her I would keep it safe for her until then.
She looked at me with those big blue eyes and said, "So when I have a baby girl, I can give her the moon?".
Yes, Hailey, you can give her the moon.
Love her.