I've always loved taking pictures. R bought me a 35mm Minolta film camera for one of our earlier anniversaries and I loved it. Right before we had H we bought our first digital. He bought me my backup Canon XT at Christmas of '05 and in November of '06 he bought me the 20D. I hung through '07 without a new camera but managed to add to my arsenal of lenses whenever the credit card was accidentally left within my reach.
I have begged and pleaded with my children to sit for me and let me take just one picture! Please! I'll pay you!
I have paid in excess of $6 for a pouty glare or a fake smile to learn my camera inside and out!
More important than learning the technical side of photography, I have also, in my journey, captured things that will mean the world to these kids when they get older.
How many kids, do you suppose, have pictures of themselves fishing with their great grandmother? My bet is...not very many.
Pictures of happier times and sadder times and beautiful and stormy times.
A first bike ride or a dance recital....dirt bikes and wave runners....big fish caught by little people and little fish caught by big people :).
It is absolutely worth every one of the eyerolls that I get whenever I pull my camera out.
Someday they'll understand why I love my camera so much.....

After H was born, I kept eating like I still had another human being growing inside of me (read: A LOT OF FOOD). I quickly ballooned up to a weight that was becoming unhealthy. I couldn't chase N around or even PLAY with him like I wanted to. I was just too heavy. I hated myself and felt judged and guilty when I binged. I was horribly sad and depressed.
Finally at 227 pounds, I'd had enough. I went on Atkins (*insert disclaimer here* which I don't recommend to anyone, it's not the healthy way to lose weight......there).
I lost about 60 pounds in 6 months.
My darling husband, knowing how unhappy I still was, bought me a membership to a health club here in town.
I can't say that loud enough.
The main reason I wanted to go to this particular club is because they offered cardio boxing classes. I went to that first class and was instantly hooked.
I absolutely love to box (although, I've been pretty lax about it lately.....lol), it is a huge aggression release and I have given that vinyl boxing bag the names of various loved ones on many, many mornings.
I reached my goal weight of 147 and have maintained my weight for over two years and I owe it all to these gloves. If I hadn't found something that I loved so much, I don't know if I would have stuck with it.
These gloves are now retired and I don't like my new gloves nearly as much as these. When I dug these up for the photo, I had to put my hand in them just to reminisce and although they felt like home, thank GOODNESS my home doesn't smell like that! Ack!

I could go into the whole LONG story but I won't. Most of you long-timers know what we have pulled away from and how our saga began, what we persevered and what we took with us into our new life.
I will say this, through it all, when it comes down to it, when it really, really matters, he is my rock. He picks me up and he talks me down and he walks the long and steady with me. He works hard. He plays hard. He knows the difference.
And if he knew that I was writing all of this, he'd kill me........isn't that sweet?
so, you've got me hooked! . . . still waiting for the next post?!
loving this series Jill!
LOVE this post. LOVE.
(tiny voice. I need to write.)
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