N is eight, very soon to be nine years old and I'm shocked at how fast he's growing up.
He's developing a sense of humor beyond just saying funny things that crack adults up (like kids do). He is "getting" things that adults are saying in his presence and it's a joy to see the light go on in his eyes.
He's witty and charming and sincere and compassionate.........and he smells good when I kiss his forehead every morning. He's a swimmer and a trampoline-jumper and a sister-torturer. He's a dog lover and quite a fisherman and you should see him build Legos! He's a Nana lover and he could tell you everything you ever wanted to know about whales and sharks. He often roots for the underdog and that makes me very proud.
Sweet boy of mine.

H......barely 5 years old. Fun-loving and generous and sparkly. She values her friends and LOVES preschool. She bounces out of bed every day with a smile and on her days off, she still likes to cuddle with her head on my chest. I hope that lasts a while longer.......
A daredevil, like her dad, she'll be the little girl on the dirtbike with mud all over her hot pink helmet.
She spends her gift card money on bubblegum pink glitter shoes and has been to known on several occasions to wear princess dresses to the playground and grocery stores.
She draws beautiful pictures for the people that she loves. She has more pink lipgloss than I do (that's saying something, believe me!). She fishes with her dad and jumps on the trampoline with her brother and sings with her Nana.
She's sassy and spirited and the DRAMA.....oh, the drama.
When I take her to preschool, after we've dropped N off, I'll tell her that I hope she has a good day, her response? "I ALWAYS have good days, Momma!"
And she does. And I love that about her.

Last but not least for today, my nesting dolls.
I love these. H can't stop playing with them.
At first glance these look like the traditional nesting dolls, ethnic, colorfully dressed women, the child being the smallest and last doll, but wait....what's this? Next to the baby.....a man? In a Hawaiian shirt? With a mustache? Is he on vacation?
My mom picked these up for me in San Francisco also.
I love them for lots of reasons but that man, standing there in the back? That's a big one.
Thanks for peeking. See you tomorrow.

oh - LOVE the little man! excellent! nice shots of the kiddos jill - you're amazing!:-)
Your writing about your kids is really touching. Almost made me cry, your ability to capture their uniqueness, both in words and pictures. Love H's pic - you can just tell she'd been playing hard!
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